Tuesday, November 6, 2018

blogorrhea: Electroconvulsive Therapy, Suicide, and Death

blogorrhea: Electroconvulsive Therapy, Suicide, and Death: It’s often claimed that ECT prevents suicide. But there are no suicide studies comparing ECT and sham ECT, and the existing literature fail...


  1. Please can you help me. I am afraid and I also have name suppression, as a survivor.
    Can you please ask others if a psychologist has a right to say
    it may be karma for paying back past lives" (as reasons for being a survivor of multiple crimes (two offenders sent to jail), trauma including sexual violations And yes ECT) and also do they (the psychologist) have a right to say "when a person goes through early abuses they may create situations where abuse happens as an adult".
    I feel verbally violated, gaslit and any healing that has occurred has faded including all self balme for all abuse, crimes and trauma.
    Thankyou if you are able to. I know in my heart their statements were toxic but this mind is questioning everything I think and believe (or used to when it came to offenders are responsible not survivors but now blame myself entirely and confusion) in a PTSD and dissociated state.

  2. Please share, its urgent...even just so that my voice is heard/ read.
    Mental Health System Is Harmful.
    Thankyou for being such strong advocates and spokespeople for change in the mental health system.
    Just today I found out there is No support or help within the system. Other than emergency respite; allocated 72 hours, then back home, with no suppport or help.
    This is very hard to share, but it is important…..
    I have a history of multiple traumas and have PTSD and relatively rare dissociative identity disorder as a result of abuses, traumas, major losses, natural disasters, survivor of crimes and I will add the mental health system.
    Recently I have had multiple significant triggers, these have accumulated, some are ongoing.
    Due to these there have been mental health relapses. Serious ones.
    Mental health services have been aware and it was a battle of three months, to receive any ongoing supports. This was abruptly and irreversible harmed by a DHB pyschologist stating a month ago that all traumas experienced in this life were “karma…as in paying back past lives” and “when someone has gone through early abuse, thay may create situations of adult trauma”. I stopped seeing her Yet it had a life changing significant impact and furthering mental health deteriation. Trust was gone as it was already tentative trust within the mental health system given remote past harmful experiences with their “services”.
    Last week there was a period of dissociation and dissociative states that lasted 22 hours. There was a police search. When there is dissociation due to significant triggers, stress and distress there is a very high suicide risk in a dissociative state and “I” have no memory or little memory. Managed to somehow get home although wet and disorientated (evidence at being at the beach-drowning attempt and loss of memory and where had 22 hours gone). Police were very kind (as they have always been-there have been other dissociative state episodes during this time), are aware of PTSD and DID. They are very aware trust in mental health services is limited to nil. They took a photo in the event I need to be found, as they are aware high likelihood of this happening again.
    I chose to go into respite the next day; into the mental health ward.
    There I was told by the psychiatrist that a case manager would be reinstated, the community support worker hours could be increased, at some stage have a group meeting with that pyschologist and would be supported to voice concerns, impact of toxic comments and where to from here, so to speak as well as an appointment with a psychiatrist next week.
    All this week waiting for a phone call re what I felt were positive hopeful and supportive plans even though trust was shattered.
    Today I find out there is to be No case manager at all, No community support at all. None. The community team Dismissed what the hospital stated that needed to and suggested to be done.
    Their answer (the community mental health team)….
    They can not lower risk level. As in suicide attempts or completed suicide while in a trauma based dissociated state.
    (And personal judgement) quite likely, DID is relatively rare therefore do not “know” how to help.
    Left with no human compassion, isolated, no supports, harmed by mental health and at risk of suicide while dissociated and dissociated state.
    Heart is broken, mind has fragmented further and soul is shattered….and complete self blame for abuses, traumas, major losses, natural disasters, survivor of crimes (even though two offenders were sent to jail a and for one crime I have permanent name suppression).
    Have been numb tonight (shock no doubt as to the mental health system Again)and all stress, distress, triggers and I do not know what each moment may bring. I do not know who to trust anymore.
