Friday, September 15, 2017

ECT Destroys Lives

1 comment:

  1. Trapped in a body and lost in a brain that does not function.
    Labelled with so called diagnosis(s) haunted by these to this day.
    Trapped in a body bound by muscle relaxants and electrocutions in this brain done under G.A (kinder to watch I imagine) "Poor fit" require double electrocutions.
    I can not scream terror nor can I say NO STOP. Help-less, Power-less, brain is less.
    Haunted as the world around me continues on in light of this torture I have gone through while battling the fact I am but a shadow of the life I know I knew Before traumas, electrocution torture and "medical" labels.
    Scared and Scarred. Euthanasia would have be kinder if I had known what I was in for short, medium and long term trapped in a body and a brain that has lost functions.
    Thanks to the "medical systems: pysch, hospital, etc etc" for treating a survivor of traumas with contempt- harsh yet this is how I feel with having been "in care", drugged and electrocuted.
    Ironically how I feel now would likely be labelled and I would fear consequences from the "medical systems".
    Grief of a life that never was. Sad tears fall down these cheeks. Sobbing out "I hope the perps of All the traumas are caught in natural justice" while I contemplate going on with this physical life.
